The phenomenon of the delinquent juvenile children as sites of social networks reflect it


Title of the study : The phenomenon of the delinquent juvenile children as sites of social networks reflect it This study aims at recognizing the most important pages and sites that cover the issue of delinquent juvenile children , the existence of differences between pages for it's dealing with the problem of delinquent juveniles . This study belongs to the descriptive studies and depended on the survey method for the sites and pages that concern with the issues of delinquent juveniles . The study sample represented two pages concerning with the issues of delinquent juveniles that are ( National council for childhood and motherhood) , the page of (Street children submitted to Resala association) ,their content was analyzed for one month from 1/7/2019 to 30/7/2019 . The study found findings and the most important ones are : 1- The classes of the treatment are represented in short news , as for National council for childhood and motherhood with a percent of 69.1% , then the news from the page of (human story) with a percent 7.3% , as for the page of street children , the press investigation occupied with a percent of 36.4% , then the press article in the second order with a percent of 21.2% . The event type was represented for the two pages in the first order (social) with a percent of 63.6% for the national council and street children .
ظاهرة أطفال الأحداث الجانحین کما تعکسها مواقع التواصل الأجتماعى: (دراسه تحلیلیة)
121 العدد الحادی والعشروى –هجلة البحوث فی هجالات التربیة النوعیة
2- It has been ascertained that there are statistically significant differences between pages that cover the issue of delinquent juvenile children in their attitudes towards it , specifically the (supportive) attitude was on behalf of the national council for childhood and motherhood page at level of (0.01) , whereas it hasn't been ascertained that there are differences between the pages in their (neutral) attitude meaning that the page of the National council for childhood and motherhood is the most supportive page for the content of delinquent juvenile children issues in which they cover .


Main Subjects