The Impact of Interaction Activity Practices and Competition Modes in a Collaborative E-Learning Environment on Developing Digital Activity Production Skills and Learning Engagement among Faculty of Home Economics Female Students at Al-Azhar Universi

Document Type : Original Article


1 lecturer of Educational technology Faculty of Education, Al-Azhar University, Cairo

2 lecturer of Educational Home Economics Faculty of Home Economics in Tanta Al-Azhar University


The current research aimed to investigate the effect of the interaction activity practices (distributed vs. intensive) and competition modes (inter-group vs. intra-group) within a collaborative e-learning environment on developing digital activity production skills and learning engagement among third-year home economics students at Al-Azhar University, Tanta branch. The research sample consisted of 80 students, who were randomly assigned to four experimental groups. A descriptive methodology was used during the study and analysis phase, while a quasi-experimental approach was adopted to measure the effects of independent variables on dependent variables. The assessment tools included a cognitive achievement test, a skill performance observation sheet, a learning engagement scale, and a product quality evaluation rubric. After developing experimental materials and conducting pre-and post-administration of these tools, the findings revealed statistically significant differences favoring intensive activity practices in enhancing achievement, skill performance, learning engagement, and product quality. Similarly, inter-group competition demonstrated statistically significant advantages over intra-group competition in these areas. However, no significant interaction effects were observed between the two independent variables concerning the measured outcomes.


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