An instrumental analytical study of the John Field ‎Variations template to benefit from it in developing ‎the musical skills of the student teacher.‎

Document Type : Original Article


music education


‎ Variations are considered one of the methods of musical ‎composition that composers have known since the beginnings of ‎music composition in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, as ‎they were one of the simplest solutions to lengthen the melody ‎without feeling bored and repetitive, by making some simple ‎changes to the original melody.‎‎

Chapter One: Presentation of research and previous studies

It is divided into two sections:‎

The first section: presenting the researc ,The second section: previous studies related to the research topic.‎

Chapter Two: The theoretical framework and is divided into ‎three sections:‎

The first topic: Music in the Romantic era and its most important ‎authors

The second topic: the historical development of the variations ‎template. ‎‏

The third topic: John Field - his biography, style, and most ‎important works.

Chapter Three: Applied Framework:

In this chapter, the researcher carried out the following ‎procedures: 1‎

‎ Determining the musical edition and determining the ‎educational level of the Variations, a survey study and ‎instrumental theoretical analysis of John Field’s Variations for ‎Piano, identifying the playing difficulties included in John ‎Field’s Variations for the Piano, and surveying the opinions of ‎experts, professors, and faculty members specializing in teaching ‎the piano regarding the difficulties and guidelines. The ‎instrument proposed by the researcher to overcome the ‎difficulties included in the composition.


Main Subjects