Media students’ use of mobile applications at Egyptian universities and their level of academic proficiency

Document Type : Original Article


الإعلام التربوي


Technology has become an integral part of our lives in this era. There are a large number of modern technological applications to improve student education using digital information sources.

Among the modern applications is mobile technology, which has generated an explosion and tremendous scientific progress, and access to knowledge has become easy and accessible. There is no doubt that the spread of the mobile phone has brought about tremendous changes in most of our daily lives, especially in the era of cloud computing and the smart information revolution. Everything has become available to students of the twenty-first century, making Reflecting radical changes in the methods of learning, teaching, and access to information, the field study population is represented by media students in Egyptian universities. The field study is conducted on a random sample of (501) individuals from media students who use mobile applications.

The researcher used the descriptive approach because it is consistent with the research topic and its objectives. The results of the study revealed that the majority and most of the media students own a mobile phone, with their percentage reaching (99.4%)


Main Subjects