Sergei Lyapunov's piano mazurka performance style.

Document Type : Original Article


1 34 akef street

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One of the musical forms that spread in Russia at the beginning of the nineteenth century is the mazurka, which is one of the musical forms that spread as a result of Russia’s occupation of Poland. Which helped the mazurka to spread not only in Russian salons; But in the Russian countryside as well, it became famous at the hands of the Polish musician Frederick Chopin (1810 AD: 1849 AD).

The mazurka is a rural Polish dance that combines Polish folk dancing and singing. It also gives a feeling of strength, activity and vitality due to the various ideas and compositions it contains, performed by even numbers of dancers. It is in a triple measure, at a moderate speed, with strong pressure (Accent) on the second unit or The third is for the triple scale in each pipe.

The theoretical framework of the research dealt with previous studies related to the research, and an overview of Russian music, the mazurka, and the author Sergei Lyapunov. The research follows the descriptive and analytical approach of the piano mazurka No. (8) classified 36 by Sergei Lyapunov. The applied framework also included the analytical study of the piano mazurka by Sergei Lyapunov and the provision of the necessary instructions. To overcome the performance difficulties included in this book, the research concluded with the research results, their interpretation, and recommendations.


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