Features of Gamelan Music by Leobold Godowsky and Maurice Ravel

Document Type : Original Article


Minia University. Faculty of Specific Education


Indonesian music differs from the music of its neighboring peoples because of the strangeness it presents to its listeners at first due to the multiplicity of its cultures as a result of the large number of islands that the state of Indonesia includes.

Gamelan music was characterized by unique vocal patterns, which made it attract the attention of Western composers to the distinctive sound output from the fusion of Western classical music and Indonesian gamelan, in addition to the oriental character created by the pentameter used in gamelan music. The rich texture is composed of several layers with different speeds and rhythms. Many composers have paid attention to gamelan music and included it in their works in more than one form, including the Polish-American author Leopold Godowsky and the French author Maurice Ravel.

The theoretical framework of the research dealt with the research problem, objectives and previous studies related to the research, and the research followed the descriptive approach, content analysis.

As for the applied framework, it dealt with the analysis of the research sample, and then reached the results and recommendations.


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