Social support and it’s relation with job performance for a sample of working housewives


1 Department of Family and Childhood Institutions Management- College of Home Economics-Al Azhar university

2 Department of Family and Childhood Institutions, Faculty of Home Economics, Al-Azhar University

3 Assistant Professor of Department of Family and Childhood Facilities Management- Faculty of Home Economics- University of Al - Azhar


The research mainly aims to reveal the nature of the relationship between social support and job performance in a sample of working female heads of families, where the data were collected through the application of the research tools represented in (the primary data form, the social support questionnaire, the job performance questionnaire), on a purposeful shell sample. It consisted of 201 working female heads of household with children from the Gharbia Governorate, from different social and economic levels. The results revealed: There is a positive correlation with statistical significance at the level of significance (0.01) between social support for working female heads of household with its three axes, job performance with its three dimensions, and lack of There are statistically significant differences between rural and urban working female heads of household in the axis of family support, the axis of support for friends, and the total social support questionnaire. the study sample, in the social support questionnaire according to the function of the head of the family, there is no statistically significant difference between the working heads of families, the study sample in each of the friends support axis, and the community support axis and the total community support questionnaire according to the function of the head of the family, there is no statistically significant difference between Working female heads of families in each of the friends support axis and the community support axis according to the family's financial income.


Main Subjects