A student vision to develop the skills of "women's corset techniques" in the light of the "electronic peer assessment" strategy.

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Specific Education, Damietta University

2 Home economics , faculty of specific education , Damitta university


The research aims to provide the students of the third year with the skills of the techniques of implementing the women’s courset in the subject of designing and implementing home clothes and furnishings, starting from the method of taking measurements and choosing the appropriate model for her personal body style, preparing the pattern, miterage, cutting operations, sewing, all the way to the finishing stage that includes many techniques that are specific to the implementation of the courset and adding Some aesthetic touches proposed by each student according to her personal vision of the piece and its use whether as a basic piece or complement to a costume ,underwear or others uses. They also may use various techniques of decoration and embroidery to achieve their visions.All of that was achieved through the application of the strategy of peer evaluation electronically, as evaluation is one of the most important stages of learning that express The extent to which students really benefit and acquire skills, as evaluation is done by peers and electronically, and after conducting statistical treatments, the results of the research were positive in achieving its hypotheses in favor of the experimental sample of the achievement test, and it was an average value of (29.30), while with regard to the performance note card for the students, the average value was (29.30). 46.23) in addition to the positive directionality of the female students for strategy and the coefficient of quality of the specialized arbitrators ranged from (84.8-98.22


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