"Effectiveness of an Electronic Training Program to develop the Skills of Implementing Women's Clothing Using Hypermedia"


1 Helwan university

2 Clothing & Textiles Faculty of Home Economics Al-Azhar University

3 Clothing & Textiles department Faculty of Home Economics Al-Azhar University



This research aims to prepare an electronic training program to develop the skills of implementing women's clothing (blouse) using hypermedia, measuring the effectiveness of the proposed electronic training program in developing the skills of implementing women's clothing (blouse) using hypermedia, measuring the effect of the electronic training program on cognitive achievement and skill performance, and female trainees' opinions about the proposed electronic training program. To achieve its objectives, the research adopted two methodologies, the descriptive approach and the semi-experimental approach. The tools were prepared and their validity and reliability were confirmed, and they are cognitive and skill tests, a note card, an assessment scale, and a questionnaire to measure female trainees' opinions towards the proposed training program. The research was conducted on a sample of (40) female trainees from the Department of Clothing and Textiles, Faculty of Home Economics, Al-Azhar University.

The results confirmed the hypotheses of the research, which states the effectiveness of the electronic training program in developing the skills of implementing women's clothing (the blouse) using hypermedia, and the presence of statistically significant differences between the average scores of the trainees in cognitive achievement and skill performance related to the skills of implementing the blouse before and after the application of the training program in favor of the application. It also proved the positive opinions of the female trainees towards the method of learning the proposed electronic training program.


Main Subjects