An applied analytical study of the revival of the art of Nalebinding and take advantage of it In the enrichment of women's clothing supplements


The research aims to study the art of Nalbinding as one of the arts of needlework, and to describe and analyze the techniques of implementing the basic stitch of Nalbinding, in addition to identifying the impact of its application in achieving the functional, innovative and aesthetic aspect of women's clothing supplements, and to identify some of the opinions and ideas of those interested in the arts of needlework and its revival The results were as follows:
1- There are statistically significant differences between the evaluations of women's clothing supplements implemented by the art of Nalbinding in achieving (quality of Nalbinding fabric, the aesthetic aspect, the functional aspect, the innovative aspect) according to the opinions of specialists.
2- There are statistically significant differences between the evaluations of women's clothing supplements implemented by Nalbinding
In (Nalbinding style, the final general form of complements executed aesthetically and functionally) according to the opinions of those interested in the art of knitting and crochet.
3- There is a correlative relationship between the order of women's clothing supplement implemented by nalbinding. For professionals and arranged for those interested in the art of knitting and crochet


Main Subjects