The vision of the modern plasticity of traditional mural materials in the work of the artist Isaiah Zagar


painting ,faculty of fine art , elminia university


Many changes occurred in contemporary art as a result of many factors, namely the change in the aesthetic standards inherited in plastic art; The artist seeks to create works of art that fit the aesthetic standards by controlling the relationships between the elements of the work, however, beauty is not the artist’s only goal in his creative process, as he can produce a work of art away from the accepted aesthetic standards to achieve his idea whose basis may be Freedom and departure from these standards. The artist always tries to renew and experiment through the materials available to him and synthesis between the materials to produce a work that expresses new values, forms and trends, through which the artist can obtain treatments that liberate the artist from his old ideas and enjoy plastic freedom and various plastic formulations where surface treatment freely as a result of scientific and intellectual development The multiplicity and its impact on plastic art made the artist enjoy greater freedom in dealing with materials and following artistic methods that suit his intellectual and artistic tendencies. This was not limited to dealing with artworks on traditional materials and techniques only, but the artist added to his works a lot of modern techniques and treatments by relying on cultural horizons and intellectual aspects. The artist dealt with ceramic materials and his attempts to integrate them.


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