Employing some Dalcruz topics through some suggested exercises to improve the performance of female students of the Faculty of Physical Education - Assiut University

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Specific Education, Department of Music Education - Assiut University


first to use the concept and term Rhythm are the ancient Greeks under the term Rhytmos), thanks to (Emile Jacques Dalcroze), who showed the importance of rhythm in the kinetic field in general and in music in particular, and the positive impact on the kinetic rhythm in The areas of learning and sports training, and one of the benefits of kinetic rhythm in physical education is that the trainer’s knowledge of kinetic rhythm well gives him an advantage in the possibility of objectively evaluating the level of performance and identifying the strengths and weaknesses of that performance, Thus, it is easy for him to direct and modify the training sources to serve the level of mastering the movement technique and improve the physical capabilities of that sporting activity or skill by distributing strength ratios to each part of the movement and in proportion to the importance of each part of it, which represents the effective dynamic dimension of the movement,Through the researcher’s teaching of the subject of the basics of kinetic rhythm at the Faculty of Physical Education - Assiut University, she noticed that some students of kinetic rhythm in the faculty lack kinetic vocabulary and its outcome of expressive rhythmic sentences. Dynamic in order to enrich the expressive sentences in the kinetic rhythm. To improve the performance of female students in the basics of kinematic rhythm in sports faculties.
This research included the research problem, research objectives, importance of research, research questions, research hypotheses, research sample and terminology.


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