Design vision for women clothing with the principles of circular fashion

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of clothing and textile, faculty of home economics , Menoufia university, shebin el kom egypt ,

2 Home Economics, Menoufia University


The fashion industry plays an important role in the path towards a circular economy, It involves a very long and complex supply chain, textiles and clothing waste have become a major global concern. Hence, the term circular fashion emerged and defines it as keeping clothes and accessories for as long as possible through their transmission from the first consumer to another consumer, leading to the disposal of them in ways that are safe for the environment, this research aims to identify circular fashion and the principles of circular fashion.take advantage of circular fashion in the design and implementation of women’s clothing to achieve the least wastage in designer clothes and achieve different aesthetic and functional values for the single design, which works to reshape it into another model. To achieve the principles of circular fashion , The researchers presented the executed pieces (8) different models (represented in (skirt - blouse) and made a questionnaire and presented it to the arbitrators from the specialized professors in the Department of Clothing and Textiles, as well as specialists in the manufacture of women’s ready-made garments, numbering 20 arbitrators, in order to reach the best models to evaluate those design visions,The pieces (8,4,1,5,2) got the highest estimates according to the opinions of the arbitrators


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