the Flipped learning strategy as a way to develop self-learning in developing the skills of implementing some Bulgarian embroidery stitches

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Specific Education, Ain Shams University


In the present era, the world is witnessing rapid developments, which have imposed on societies to strive to keep pace with these successive developments in all fields, by working to develop their various systems, perhaps the most important of which is the educational system. The development of the educational system in our present age in an integrated manner has become an inevitable necessity in all societies, so that the desired goals can be achieved, with outputs compatible with the requirements of the present, and at the same time, qualified to respond effectively to future changes.
There is no doubt that the best type of education is that education that generates the thrill of knowledge and makes the educational process more enjoyable and more dynamic and is characterized by the development of self-learning skills, in an education centered around the learner and not the teacher, and with the increase in the use of modern technology in the educational process, the teachers ’desire to teach their students in ways increased. Modern creative.


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