Adding attachments to electronic buttonhole machine to get new specialized functions

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Clothing and Textiles - Faculty of Home Economics - Helwan University

2 Home Economics Faculty - Helwan University


The research aims to employ the technological characteristics of the electronic buttonhole machine in the panda slitting stage, and determine the attachments required to be installed in the machine in order to perform the function of panda slitting efficiently and measure the time and estimate operating costs and measure the quality of samples at the panda slitting stage in both the specialized panda slitting machine, the electronic buttonhole machine and the regular machine.
In addition to identifying the stages that it is possible to exploit its modern technological characteristics of the electronic machine buttonholes.
The research followed the descriptive approach with analysis and application to answer its questions and verify its hypotheses, and an estimate scale was prepared to evaluate the quality of samples produced on both the regular machine, the electronic buttonhole machine and the specialized panda slitting machine designed by the researchers.
Samples for the panda slitting stage were carried out on the following machines: "The regular machine - the electronic buttonhole machine (modified) - the specialized panda slitting machine".
The results showed that the regular machine had the most time and operating cost, followed by the specialized panda slitting machine, and finally the electronic buttonhole machine. As for the quality of the produced samples, we find that the electronic buttonhole machine was the best quality, followed by the specialized panda slitting machine, and finally the regular machine.


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