Obstacles to the manufacture of reinforced Corsets and its suitability for Egyptian women

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Clothing and Textiles, Faculty of Home Economics, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt

2 Department of Clothes and Textile, Faculty of Home Economics - Helwan University

3 Department of clothing and textile, Faculty Of Home Economics, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt


The aim of the research is to study the scarcity of manufacture of reinforced Corsets in Egypt, solutions were developed to suit the tastes of Egyptian consumers aesthetically and functionally, three reinforced Corsets was implemented by using the industrial method, and a detailed technical file was prepared to operate each corset so that it can be implemented in garment factories in Egypt, and the opinions of women consumers towards the three reinforced Corsets implemented in the research were measured. and the research sample consisted of two samples, the first Exploratory of (58) women with the aim of identifying their impression and information about the reinforced Corset, and this was done through an electronic questionnaire, and the second was the basic sample of (32) Women consumed with the aim of identifying their opinions about the three reinforced Corsets produced in the research, through a questionnaire prepared for this purpose, each of the sample wore the three corsets respectively while answering the questionnaire to check the functional and aesthetic aspects of the corsets. The results found that the responses of all age groups, in general, were positive and high, in addition to the importance of the corset for them. The results also showed that the design of the first won the admiration of most consumers by a big margin from the second and third designs, and may be due to the fact that it contained the lowest number of cuts and boning which made it more comfortable for them.


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