Clothing designs developed in the mannequin style to treat some physical defects for women.

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Clothes and Textile, Faculty of Home Economics, Menoufia University, Egypt


The method of forming on the manicans is a precise method in the design of models or clothing directly and gives the results of its content in terms of the degree of control and provides the time when the profile is made, the technique of forming on mannequins has always been associated with fine knitting , with depends on accuracy , skill and manual work . it s also used in the implementationof difficult designsthat are difficult to implement with flat methods.
And using the art of visual deception, which depends on the control of the sense of vision and the transition from the world of reality to the world of visual arousal through animation movement and depth and lighting and oscillation, which may sometimes lead to puzzlement and perception, which called the researcher to study the effect of illusion visual deception to hide physical defects For the different types of objects (short fat girl - long fat girl - short - term girl - long - term girl) using the style of formation on the manicans.
The research idea came to take advantage of the effect of visual illusion to treat the physical defects of the different body styles ,to work on developing clothing designs for womens clothing in the manner of visual deception.


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