The Effectiveness of a Programmer Based on Musical Activities in Developing (Think - Pair - Share) Strategy for the Kindergarten Child

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of education for early childhood damanhour university


The study aimed to investigate the importance of musical activities on the development of a strategy (Think - Pair - Share) and self-confidence in transferring their ideas in learning process, the curriculum they study, and the descriptive curriculum was a content analysis of the theoretical framework and the quasi-experimental approach, the one growth scheme and the two tools (pre and post). The results of using the strategy of (Think - Pair - Share) is an educational model to teach a child, to benefit from it as a means of learning and educational illusion, children on new methods of educational realisation and to learn about musical activities and their types of appropriate education, as well as what suits the strategy then to benefit from it as one of the favourite educational methods for children, getting acquainted with them increases and enriches learning, their imagination and innovation in the areas of life, the importance of the role of musical activities, as they have an effective role, through being exposed to listening carefully to music with purposeful songs that use all of their senses in education using all their senses or movement, inventing their own gestures, giving the child in Kindergarten stage, active cooperative learning through listening and tasting the music of songs in order to achieve the goal of the study. The child in the kindergarten stage and through active cooperative learning and strategy (Think - Pair - Share) can develop and understand and perform what he hears.


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