Innovative exercises to improve Soulafi singing and multi-vote dictation through Jamal Abdel Rahim's choir

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Education for the quality of Assiut University


Music is the only language that the whole world understands of all races, and the multiplicity of voting in singing and dictation helps to develop mental ability and provoke thinking when singing and recording multiple voices. Gamal Abdel Rahim's choral works are nationalist works with a melodic and harmonic style, in which he blended between European music and musical traditions. Arabic, which may benefit students in raising their level in solvai singing and dictation from two voices, as the researcher found, through her teaching of Western Solfege to students of the Faculty of Specific Education - Assiut University, the presence of some difficulties in the solvai singing and dictation of two sounds Among some students of the fourth year, which led the researcher to think to conduct this research and invent some exercises proposed through some of Gamal Abdel Rahim's choral works in an attempt to improve the level of students of the fourth year at the Faculty of Specific Education, Assiut University, in the subject of Western Solfege.

This research included the research problem, the research objectives, the importance of the research, the research questions, the research hypotheses, the research sample and terms. The research was also divided into two theoretical and applied frameworks, and the research was concluded with results and recommendations, references and research summary.


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