Analysis study of the clarinet and the piano sonata volume 167 by Camille saint- suns


Menofia university college education quality


Analysis Study of The Clarinet and The Piano
Sonata Volume 167 by Camille Saint-Suns

Summary of the research
The aim of the research is to provide an in-depth analytical study of clarinet and piano sonatas in the Me / K scale Rated 167.
The results of the search The sonata consists of four movements, the first movement of M (1-84) tends to speed in the scale M / K balance (12/8), with the exception of four cranes (34-37) in the balance (9/8), in the formula of the sonata , The second movement of M (1-112) fast and lively in a dancing character in a ladder no / k balance (2/2) in a triple form of (AB-A2) the third section Non-literal repetition of the first section with a closing appendix with features from the section The second, the third movement of M (1-65) slow slowly in the scale of May / Sam Melodi, and the scale of 2/3) monoblock, the fourth movement is very fast in the scale M / K balance (4/4) in the free form, however We find features that combine the triple matrix and the rond matrix and its harmonic style combining harmonious and dissonant chords and weaving in these sonatas Harmonic fabric and polyphonic weaving, sometimes using the simulated reciprocal relationship between the clarinet and the piano, a simple accompanying melody derived from the same features of the clarinet melody, and the search was concluded with a list of foreign references , And research recommendations.


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