Using Some Children's Songs to improve Linguistic Deficiency the Parent Of A child in the First Stage of Basic Education

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Specific Education - Minia University


          Childhood is one of the most important foundational stages in a person's Iife what is available to the child from the experiences with which he interacts and thus his personality is formed, an Behavior patterns and habits that often accompany him througho One of the  aspects of therapy in which the therapist helps the child is singing stuttering towards pronunciation.
       This  study aims to use some children's song related to the educational goals of the child and his love at same time It is intended to improve and treat deficiencies for everyone else, the study tried to answer the following questions:
1-what song are suggested to improve and treat a child's Linguistic deficiencies the first stage of basic education.
2-what is the effect of Using some of the suggested nursery rhymes on improving and treating linguistic deficiency of a child in the first stage of basic education.
          The study followed the experimental method (case study)as follows of the children in the stage basic education suffer from (stutter) speech because my emotion without a reason.
This research is divided into two parts:
Firest: the theoretical part includes:- previous studies, the theoretical framework
Second: the applied part
        The search was concluded with results indicating the validity of the hypotheses represented in the use of some children's songs that are popular with children with language deficiencies (stuttering)had a positive effect in improving and treating language deficiencies in a child The first stage of basic education, in addition to recommendations and proposals search.


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