The effectiveness of the use of the Infographic technique to develop some knowledge and skills for the implementation of clothing for fourth-year students

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Specific Education, South Valley University


The current research aims to provide students of the fourth division of the Home Economics Division some information and knowledge on the implementation of clothing and also to develop the skilled performance in this field by using the Infographic technique . The research sample consisted of a Sample Exploration of ten students to verify the validity and stability of the research tools. The sample of the research was from  thirty eight  students in the fourth division of the Department of Home Economics, Faculty of Specific Education in Qena .
In order to achieve the objectives of the research, a Achievement test was applied pre and post to measure students' achievement of information and concepts related to the implementation of the skirt, A skill test is applied pre and post to measure the performance level  of skills students implementation of the skirt ,A observation sheet of the performance students while implementing the skills in the skirt and the assessment scale of the final product evaluation.
To investigate the hypotheses, use the experimental and the descriptive Curriculum and then perform the statistical analysis using the T test to indicate the differences in the averages. The results reached :
- - There are statistically significant differences between the average scores of the students in the "pre-post" applications in the achievement test in favor of the post application .
 - There are statistically significant differences between the students' average scores in the "pre - post" applications of the observation sheet  in favor of the post application.
- There are statistically significant differences between the students' average scores in the "pre-post" evaluation of the experimental model in the assessment scale items sheet  in favor of the post-evaluation


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