Integration of textile design with fashion design by hand printing To enrich the aesthetic value of the blister


Department of Clothes and Textile - Faculty of Home Economics - Menoufia University


           The research aims to use manual printing to convert different textiles or materials with homogeneous and different surfaces to surfaces bearing color effects with different technical configurations to add aesthetic value to the blouse.
           Satisfying the consumer's desires aesthetically and raising the general taste that indirectly affects his behavior is one of the goals of the textile designer. A good decorative design increases the value of the printed material even if the material is of low price.
               A design designed to illustrate the integration between the design of textiles and fashion design was presented to (30) a member of the faculty of the Faculty of Home Economics University of Menoufia and the Faculty of Home Economics Helwan University, to review their views on the proposed designs through a questionnaire to select the best designs and implementation of The first design achieved the highest score by 96.33 for the four axes, followed by the fifth design with 93.39% and the eighth design with 90.87%.

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