The effectiveness of procedural simulation in developing computer network skills and problem solving for educational technology students according to the cognitive (analytical - holistic) method


Instructor of educational technology - Faculty of Qualitative Education - Minia University


The objective of current research is to measure the impact of an Instructional simulation program in developing computer network skills and problem solving skills among student  teacher specializing in education  technology. according to cognitive method (analytic \ holistic). Experimental method was used.Resaerch tool were computer network skills note card, solving problems scale and cognitive method (analytic \ holistic) scale. Experimental treatment material was an instructional simulation program that contained interactive interfaces activities. The sample consisted of (60) students divided into two groups, First group was analytic studens and seconde group was holistic students. Results of the study showed the positive effect of the simulation program in developing computer networks and solving programs skills for both groups. But analytic students were better in learning network computer skills and holistic group were better in solving problems skills. Study recommends the addition of a computer network course to the curriculum of the Division of Educational Technology as in the Computer teacher Division, since it is considered to be the core of the work of the education technology specialist during field training and after graduation. The research also recommends expanding the production of simulation based programs in acquiring computer skills due to its effectiveness in this As well as the importance of carrying out research on methods and teaching methods that take into consideration the individual differences between learners with an analytical and cognitive approach.


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