Effect of Some Fruits as feed Additives and their role Against Hyperlipidemia and Obesity of Experimental rats


M.Sc, Nutrition and Food Science, Faculty of Specific Education, Minia University.


Hyperlipidemia and obesity are associated with many diseases which badly affective on health. Increased consumption of fruits is widely recommended to improve health and decrease overweight and the level of lipid in the blood.
The aim of the present work is to study the effect of diet containing (apple, kiwi and combination of them) on the nutritional evaluation and biochemical parameters of rats. Suffering from high level of lipid and obesity. Seventy two albino male rats weighing 119±2 g used in this study. All rats fed on basal diet for two week for adaptation , after this period , rats divided in to two main groups , the first main group (8rats) fed on basal diet throughout the experimental periods (4 months) and considered as a negative control group , while the second main group fed on high fat diet for two months, then this group(n=64 rats) was divided in to eight subgroups (n = 8 rats of each ).The first four subgroups were continued fed on high fat diet with apple , kiwi and combination of them. However the other four subgroups fed on basal diet with apple, kiwi and combination of them. The eight subgroups were as followed, subgroup (1) positives control (1) fed on high fat diet .subgroups (2,3,4) fed on high fat diet containing (apple , kiwi and combination of them) respectively, subgroup(5) positive control (2) fed on basal
(*) M.Sc, Nutrition and Food Science, Faculty of Specific Education, Minia University.
Effect of Some Fruits as feed Additives and their role Against Hyperlipidemia and Obesity of Experimental rats
Journal of Spicific Education Researsh – 2nd issue 41
diet. Subgroups (6, 7, 8) fed on basal diet containing (apple, kiwi and combination of them) respectively

Main Subjects