The Reality of the Practices of the Public School Principals of the Powers Granted to Them from Their Point of View and the Extent to Which They Need for Additional Powers in Al-Jouf Region in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabi


Associate Professor, Educational Administration, College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Education and Psychology, Al-Jouf University, Saudi Arabia


The aims of this study is to identify the practice of public schools directors of the powers granted to them from their point of view and the extent to which they need additional powers in the Al-Jouf region of Saudi Arabia. It was also Aimed to detect whether there were differences in the degree of practice of powers due to the variables of study It is the type of work, sex, scientific qualification, years of experience, and the researcher has used it to achieve those objectives, the descriptive approach an analysis of the occasion for such studies to describe the Subject, analyze its data and describe the relationship between its componants. The researcher also designed a (59) resolution which was distributed to the school principals of the Al-Jouf region to determine their current powers and the additional powers they need. It was also confirmed that the resolution had been validated by a group of arbitrators and then applied to an exploratory sample of 20 directors. And then calculating the reliability of the resolution by using the Alpha Cronbach formula, the Cronbach's alpha coefficient was found to be greater than (0.3) when you measured the five indicators. This means that the number of variables to be analysed is sufficient to conduct such an analysis of the five indicators. The reliability factor was also tested and the persistence coefficient in all indicators was found to be greater than 0.6, indicating the quality and truthfulness of those indicators. The researcher also applied the questionnaire to a sample of the study, which was made up of 536 directors. And then analyzed the responses of the sample members using
statistical software. The study has shown the following results: 1. There is a strong moral correlation between the degree of development and improvement of the school and the powers to be given to the Director (Administrative powers) it mean that the greater the administrative powers, the better of development and improving the school. 2. There is a strong psychological correlation between the degree of development and improvement of the school and the powers to be given to the Director (Educational powers) in the sense that the greater the educational powers, the better of development and improving the school. 3. The study also found a strong moral correlation between the degree of development and improvement of the school and the powers to be given to the Director (Financial authority) it mean that the greater the financial powers, the better for the development and improving the school. 4. The study found that the development and improvement of the school is neither affected nor varied by gender. 5. The study also found a strong psychological correlation between the degree of development and improvement of the qualifying school which means that the greater the qualification, the better development and improving the school. 6. The study found a moderate psychological correlation between the improvement and development of the school and the number of years of experience which means that the greater the number of years of experience, the greater the improvement and development of the school. Recommendations: In the light of those Results, the researcher proposes a set of recommendations, including: - To delegate greater powers to school managers in

cooperation with local community, and to open school for them on certain occasions. - School teachers should be given powers, especially for dealing with the community, in coordination with the headmaster. - More qualitative training courses should be held for manager with a view to deepening the concept of competencies and how to practice them. - Attention to the training of managers in the exercise of their powers in various technical and administrative fields - The need to add financial powers to the school managers in the Al-Jouf area. The results of the study showed that there was a link between improved performance and financial terms. There is a need for increasing the school manager's powers to facilitate school procedures. - The need to add administrative powers to principals in the Al-Jouf area. The results of the study proved that there was a link between improved performance and managerial competencies. There is a need for increased powers to facilitate school procedures. - The need to add pedagogical powers to school in the Al- Jouf area. As the results of the study have determined, there is a correlation between improved performance and educational competencies. There is a need for increased powers to facilitate school procedures.


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