The effectiveness of a simulation program in developing computer network design skills for an educational technology specialist


Deputy Head of the Networks Department, Development Center


The aim of this research is to develop the skills of computer network design in the education technology specialist, Through the use of a simulation program, To achieve the research objectives, the researcher followed the descriptive approach in studying the literature and studies, And the semi-experimental approach to measuring the effectiveness of independent variables on dependent variables, The research group consisted of (20) specialists, The research tools were an achievement test, Observation card, The researcher prepared the simulation program, Interaction interfaces and interactive activities are designed to simulate reality, And a final evaluation and assessment to ensure the proficiency of the skills required to learn, Measurement tools were applied before and after learning, The results of the research showed the effectiveness of the simulation program (prepared by researcher) On both cognitive achievement and skillful performance of the network design skill of the research group.


Main Subjects