The Use of E Games for the Development of Mathematics Skills among Students of the Intermediate Stage in Yanb


Academic researcher and certified trainer, Saudi Arabia at the e-course production center at Fayoum University


The current research aimed to identify the effectiveness of e games in the development of mathematics skills among students of the intermediate stage in Yanbu. The research was based on a semi- experimental approach, the research sample consisted of (50) female students from Adan school, they were divided equally into two groups, one باحثة أکادیمیة، ومدربة معتمدة، المملکة العربیة السعودیة. 1

استخدام الألعاب الإلکترونیة فی تنمیة المهاارت الریاضیة لدى طالبات المرحلة المتوسطة بمدینة ینبع أ/ إیمان عبد الله حسین عسی ری
المؤتمر الدولی الأول ـ التعلیم النوعی .. الابتکاریة وسوق العمل کلیة التربیة النوعیة ـ جامعة المنیا ISSN (عدد خاص) 2018 مجلة البحوث فی مجالات التربیة النوعیة، ع یولیو -1687-3424/2001
control and the other experimental, where the first group (experimental) was studied using e games while the second group was studied in the traditional way. The measurement instruments were in the achievement test (pre/ post) and mathematics skills assessment card. The experimental treatment was in e games. The results of the study showed that the students who studied using e games were more proficient than their counterparts who studied the traditional method of achievement test related to the cognitive aspect of mathematics skills. The results also indicated a high level of ability of 90% in mathematical skills in favor of the average scores of the experimental group. The study concluded with a number of recommendations and suggestions in the light of its results.


Main Subjects