Regional TV news on crime reporting (an analytical study of application on the Upper Egypt channel)


Faculty of Specific Education, Minia University


The  present study  tries to observe  the method of  the regional  television handle  for the crime  news and  analyze  the crime  reasons and  solutions  according to the television  treatment  and  show the treatment  frames used  in presenting  the crime news and types  that  are most  publishing or  broadcasting  in the local  media  news . The study   relied upon  the tool  of analyzing  the context  for series  of Ayoon Elshaab program over  2017 as much as 47 series  through a form of analyzing  the context  quantitatively and qualitatively .        The  study concluded : - The program  used all elements of high lightening from pictures , soundtrack and electronic  writing .   -Murder crimes  are the most crimes broadcasting  in the program series and the most  broadcasting are in  villages .  -Most crimes reasons  concentrated in the difficulty of economical  circumstances  and the conviction  frame is the most  used frames


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