Attitudes of University Youth towards the Issue of Delinquent Juvenile Children through New Media Methods: A Field Study on Minia University Student


Senior educational media specialist at Coptic Preparatory Schoo


Internet is considered the first influential media  methods on youth, this indicates the intensity of youth use and exposure for the internet considerably, because it is easier to use  and more rapidly spreading. The vulnerability relies on what is what is proved and published through media methods from one youth to another. There is a class of youth realizes the nature of media  dangers "positive and negative" and they are few and we find a class forming the majority  of youth who have no background of media  dangers and it's effect.  The largest slice that is affected with new media  methods is youth slice, because this age slice is affected quickly in terms of direction, picture  and the effective picture culture that increases the impact of media  methods on youth meaning the increase  of obtaining knowledge and knowing society issues that threaten it's security and safety. Forming or changing attitude is considered one of the most important aspects that affect new information methods, particularly forming youth attitude. It provides youth with information and issues, influences youth  cognitive formation through exposure process, particularly in times of conflicts, wars and crises. Since new media  methods are considered one of the influential methods in forming awareness and attitudes of all society classes in general and youth ones in particular towards the important issues of the society including childhood issues. Perhaps the most important factors that led us to concern with studying children issues are the emergence of social problems, violence and freedom issues and the increase of delinquent children, so, it must study the ability of new media  methods on performing social roles to direct and change university youth attitudes towards this type of issues.

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