Two Patterns of Gamification in an E-learning Environment for Developing Digital Safety Skills for Primary School fifth-grade students

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Specific Education Technology Department

2 Specific education faculty

3 minia university



The present study aims is to measure the effect of two Patterns of Gamification in an E-learning Environment in providing fifth-grade primary school students with digital safety skills, both cognitive and performance, them To achieve the research objectives, the researcher followed the descriptive and experimental approaches, and the research group consisted of (43) male and female students The primary stage in the second academic year for the year 2023/2024 AD, and the measurement tools were (a test for the achievement of the cognitive aspects of digital safety skills, an observation card for students’ performance of digital safety skills). The achievement test were applied before and after learning, and the observation card was applied After learning only, the results of the research showed that there was no statistical significance for the difference between the average grades of the students of the two research groups - the first experimental group (who studied in a learning environment that included the badge stimulus), and the second experimental (who studied in a learning environment that included the leaderboard stimulus) in the post-application of the Testing the cognitive aspects of digital safety skills. The results also showed the superiority of the students of the second experimental group (who studied in a learning environment that included a leaderboard stimulus) in the performance aspects of digital safety skills.


Main Subjects