Creating designs for Too-Thin Women's Clothing using the vortex technique according to the transformational reconstruction method on the mannequin


1 Department of Clothing and Textiles, Faculty of Home Economics, Helwan University, Egypt

2 Department of Art Education - College of Education - King Faisal University


Creating Designs for Clothes for Extremely Thin Women Using the Vortex Technique with the Transformative Reconstruction Methodology on the Mannequin


Extreme thinness in women is one of the problems that make them dissatisfied with their external appearance. They suffer from the clothes available in the local markets due to their irrelevance to their body types, so they do not look as elegant as they would like, and they find difficulty searching for clothes that suit them and give them the appearance they are satisfied with.

This research aimed to study the requirements for clothing for extremely thin women according to the transformative reconstruction methodology for pattern, and to create design processing for clothing for extremely thin women using the vortex technique on the mannequin because of its fundamental role in controlling the technical model of the clothing, as well as measuring the degree of acceptance of specialists and consumers of the proposed designs.

The research used the descriptive analytical methodology with application due to its suitability to achieving the research objectives. The results concluded the creation of (6) designs for clothes for extremely thin women using the vortex technique with the transformational reconstruction methodology on the mannequin. The designs were accepted by the research sample in terms of the innovative aspect and achieving the foundations and elements of the design, as well as the functional aspect and the suitability of the designs for the extremely thin body.

Keywords: Thinness, Transformational Reconstruction, Vortex Technique, Mannequin.


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