Dynamic methods in interior architecture to increase the efficiency of temporary emergency units


1 faculty of fine arts minia university

2 faculty of fine arts minia unversity


Architecture has accompanied many changes throughout the ages, and this varied between ancient and modern architectural schools, which led to the emergence of new architectural styles and concepts. Some of these styles were able to remain and leave an impact, and some of them disappeared because they did not keep pace with global changes. Dynamic Architecture is considered one of These patterns have appeared significantly in the recent period.

Dynamism is considered a special trend, not limited to the design of buildings so that their parts can move from one side to another, but it is also considered one of the trends of future architecture that plays a major role in solving urgent problems, crises and disasters.

Architecture is considered a creative perspective for architecture based on the dynamism of movement. It has the ability to adapt and harmonize flexibly with different influences, whether those influences are human, environmental, or economic. This style can be modified to accommodate different variables and even future needs, which works to achieve a sustainable environment in all its aspects.


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