Innovative creations using the art of felting for some home decor units with a green ecology theme

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Specific Education, Damietta University

2 Dar Masr


The research aims to implement some home decor units that bear the characteristics of green ecology, using wool - which is an environmentally friendly raw material - and employing it through the art of felting. The two researchers created a logo that describes the nature of these pieces, and three questionnaire forms were created, the first of which is specifically for evaluating the pieces from a functional aesthetic, innovative, creative standpoint and evaluation of the art of felting, as well as green ecology. The statistical treatments were positive, with the judges accepting the pieces in the following ratios, respectively: ⁽3.6-4.7⁾ - ⁽3.6-4.9⁾ -⁽3.5-4.7⁾ -⁽3.1-4.9⁾ -⁽3.4-4.9⁾ The second form concerned the logo with the axes of measuring the extent of its connection with ecology and the art of felting and its expression thereof, in addition to evaluating the extent of its harmony, the balance of its elements, and the appropriateness of its lines. The result was positive, with the judges accepting it with a quality factor of ⁽90-98⁾. The third form concerned the women consumers, numbering ⁽50⁾, and the extent of their acceptance of it, and the percentages were The percentage (2.52 -2.99), which is an acceptable and satisfactory percentage for the two researchers


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