Employing the Modern formation of Cancer cell shapes reflects their plastic impact in artistic treatments of a woman's face

Document Type : Original Article


کلية التربية النوعيه ، جامعه طنطا.



The research Summary

This research addresses the suffering of women with cancer, through artistic treatments of woman's face, depending on employing various formulations of cancer cell forms, its rich color and texture, reflects a passionate performance with emotional messages that lie within women's contours, between sickness and surrender or hope and happiness. Through the touches of brushes, the variation of colors, their influence with collage style, its connotations derive from the aesthetic form of cancer cells, hence my questions for the idea of the research:

- To what extent can artistic treatments be offered to woman's face by employing different synthetic formulations of cancer cells?

- To what extent can plastic formulas be created from the shapes of cancer cells to achieve aesthetic and artistic values that change their negative impact on the viewer?

The research addressed the following points in the theoretical framework:

- First: The aesthetic effect resulting from microscopic examination of the shapes of cancer cells.

- Second: Artistic vision of the shapes of cancer cells.

- Third: Creating modern plastic formulas based on images and shapes of cancer cells

In the applied framework

The exhibition's work was carried out in two collections, through which the objectives of the exhibition were achieved.

The researcher then mentioned the research's findings and recommendations.


The formation, Cancer cells shapes, Artistic treatments.


Main Subjects