An analytical study of some polka composions by Louis Moreau Gottschalk

Document Type : Original Article


Minia University. Faculty of Specific Education




Since the beginning of the nineteenth century, romanticism has become the dominant trend among a generation of musical composers who were characterized by a tendency towards freedom in their compositions. Romanticism was characterized by working to revive the national heritage and confirm the intellectual and cultural identity of various peoples. Anyone who follows the history of the emergence of music in the United States of America will find that the circumstances Social and cultural conditions were not stable in a way that helped the development of national music. However, composers in this period created many dance musical forms that became famous in the Romantic era, such as the polka dance. Among the most important of these composers was the American composer Louis Moreau Gottschalk. He composed many musical works that combine European-style music with American folk melodies and rhythms.

This research includes the research problem, objectives, research questions, and previous studies related to the research. The research followed the descriptive method and content analysis.

The theoretical framework included the romantic era, polka, and a brief overview of the author’s life.

The applied framework dealt with analyzing the research sample and then arriving at results and recommendations.


Main Subjects