Variety in Ceramic Treatments That Serves Aesthetic Expression in Contemporary Ceramic Forming

Document Type : Original Article


Ceramic Department, Faculty og Applied Arts, Helwan University


- This thesis is studying 3 ceramic processes that help to improve the idea of expressing art in the field of ceramics. Forming ceramic bodies, the use of specific kinds of materials such as ceramic bodies and coatings (engobes – glazes), and the way and the atmosphere of firing (oxidation - reduction).

- The thesis problem is summarized in the following questions:

How far the artistic expression may serve in the use of ceramic forming? And in which way the 3 procedures of selective materials, precise ways of forming, precise ways of firing could serve the achievement of this goal? To reach out expressional values of ceramic forms.

The importance of this thesis is to improve aesthetic visual values for those interested in the field of visual arts.

- It exposed also the idea of artistic expressions by the use of ceramic forms, including the use of multi procedures such as: preparation of ceramic bodies, forming, drying, firing, and the multi firings of coats (engobes and glazes), for the reach of exact colors and effects by the use of an exact method of firing (oxidation - reduction). All to serve the main purpose of the thesis.


Main Subjects