Dynamic dimensions of form and color and their use in crafting metal jewelry

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Art Education - Minia University


Dynamic dimensions are a word full of energy, vitality, and dynamism. It is a science that studies movement, its effects, and the relationship of shape with color in the formation of any work of art. It works to employ the energies of shapes and colors, organize their combination, and achieve the kinetic rhythm between the elements. The aim of the research is to determine the dynamic dimensions of shape and color that can be used in the design and crafting of metal jewelry. It dealt with how to achieve dynamism through a change in the visual field of the visual perception process and the suggestion of a change in the distance or dimension of shapes or a change in the color value. The results concluded that shape and color have a set of characteristics, attributes and connotations that must be known to achieve the aesthetic and functional values in the metal work, and that The positive interaction between the main elements that make up the design of jewelry, such as line, color, space, and shape, affects the achievement of the dynamic movement of the metal jewelry work. Emphasizing the element of movement in its various types through innovative visions for the design of the jewelry work and in various ways and methods that achieve attraction, suspense, and excitement, and develop aesthetic awareness and artistic taste, and that dynamism in design Jewelry enriches the aesthetic vision and creates more interesting designs with a distinctive aesthetic and plastic value.



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