Wisdom and Folklore derived from the Cultural Principals of Society Enrich the Awareness Advertising Poster

Document Type : Original Article


1 Minia University, Faculty of Art Education, Department of Decorative Designs.

2 Minia University, Faculty of Art Education, Department of Art Education, Sciences,


The current research attempts to benefit from popular wisdom and sayings as one of the sources of cultural assets of society and employ them in advertising posters to raise awareness of the importance of some social, health, environmental, and other issues.

The research problem is determined in the following main question: How can we benefit from popular wisdom and sayings derived from the cultural origins of society to enrich the awareness-raising advertising poster?

Research Aims:

1. Preserving cultural heritage by highlighting some popular wisdom and sayings of the community.

2. Highlighting the role of the awareness-raising poster in emphasizing the cultural assets of society.

3. Raising community awareness of some social, health, environmental and other issues through translating popular wisdom and proverbs into an awareness-raising advertising poster.

4. Searching for new approaches to enrich the art of the advertising poster by visually translating the ideas resulting from awareness of popular wisdom and sayings.

Among the most important findings of the research:

1. The awareness-raising poster can be enriched by making use of popular wisdom and proverbs derived from the cultural assets of the society.

2. A community can benefit from popular wisdom and sayings in preserving its cultural heritage.

3. Art education is a fertile field for raising a person, elevating him, and preparing him for life properly through the plastic arts.


Main Subjects