The role of the material element in the aesthetics of ceramic sculpture

Document Type : Original Article


fine art


The raw material has played an important role in the plastic arts since its appearance until the present time. Each material has its distinctive characteristics, and its importance is focused on helping to form the idea. Some artistic trends have appeared since the beginnings of art and until now they have focused their artistic activity on employing unconventional materials, which were often It depends on the nature of the different environments and the raw materials available in each of them.

The methods of dealing with materials in the plastic arts are numerous and differ from one artist to another, as the artist begins searching for the plastic and expressive justifications behind the choice of the medium and its relationship to the parts of the artistic work, and invents a style that distinguishes him from other artists and conveys to us his own idea and philosophy through this medium (material).

The potter can employ various materials so that they are compatible with each other to confirm the possibility of using them in a vacuum space, and they are transformed beyond their traditional use into another function, which is the symbolic expressive function, which makes the viewer search for the intellectual and artistic justification behind the choice of these materials, and their relationship to the rest of the parts of the ceramic composition.


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