The flat metal slice as an expressive starting point to achieve the third spatial dimension

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Art Education - Minia University


Expression is the ultimate goal that the artist seeks to achieve through his various plastic and technical formulations, and through a set of plastic relationships such as balance, unity, and rhythm. The aim of this research is to benefit from flat-shaped metal strips in building expressive three-dimensional spatial models. It discussed how to create the three-dimensional three-dimensional shape. Dimensions and confirming the sense of spatial depth. The results concluded that expression in three-dimensional metal artifacts confirms the content of aesthetic and expressive values and translates all the emotional charges that are running through the mind. The formation of the flat metal slice in a constructive manner worked to achieve different expressive values that arose through plastic treatments by bending and bending. To highlight the mass and emphasize the existence of a new three-dimensional spatial system, and that all the elements of the three-dimensional metal work come together to express a certain expressive meaning, and choosing the appropriate subject for the formation helps in revealing this expressive meaning, and the use of abstraction in art calls for searching for the true essence of things and then expressing it. Briefly, in a way that shows the artist's experiences and the force affecting his artistic vision, and the creation of pure aesthetic effects that result from the connection to the symbolic connotations of lines, spaces, mass, and space, and their relationship to content as artistic value.


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