A comparative analytical study of Francis poulenc and Isaac Albéniz ’s piano waltz performance style .

Document Type : Original Article


1 34

2 Minia University. Faculty of Specific Education


The research deals with a comparative analytical study of the piano waltz composition of Francis Polanque and Isaac Albéniz, as the waltz composition is one of the works of a special nature because it contains melodic aesthetics in addition to the playing skills, which can benefit and attract students. Therefore, the researcher analyzed the piano waltz composition of both composers and identified The method of performing the waltz template for each of them. The research included an introduction, followed by the research problem, research objectives, neglect of the research, research questions, research limitations, research procedures, research terms, then previous studies related to the research topic.

The research was divided into two parts:

The first part: The theoretical framework, which includes:

*An overview of the development of the waltz composer

*About the authors: Isaac Albéniz and Francis Polanc

Part Two: The applied framework

- It included an analysis of the research sample, which consists of one waltz composition for each author.

- Results and recommendations

The research concluded with a list of references and a summary of the research in Arabic and English.

Keywords: Waltz, Francis poulenc, Isaac Albeniz.


Main Subjects