Nubian Art and its Role in Raising the Aesthetic Value of Tourist Hotel Upholstery

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Specific Education, Aswan University.


The research aims to benefit from Nubian art and artificial leather to raise the aesthetic value of tourist hotel upholstery.

By presenting modern design visions for tourist hotel upholstery made of artificial leather, This research follows the descriptive analytical approach in addition to the applied study. The research tools consisted of preparing two questionnaires to evaluate the implemented products (8); (Curtain, Lampshades, Table, Tableaux (hanging), Buff, Chair, Paravan, Carpet) for evaluation by the (11) specialized faculty members, as well as the (11 tourist hotels owners. The implemented products came in the first order, the buff, the second the chair, the third the curtain, the fourth the tableaux (hanging) one, the fifth the Paravan, the sixth the lampshade, and they differed in the seventh and eighth rank in the opinion between both the carpet and the table. From the researcher's point of view, the agreement on the arrangement of the products is due to the existence of a functional, aesthetic and innovative purpose for the products and the use of Nubian art and artificial leather to produce upholstery suitable for hotels in a new and innovative way. Where the carpet came in the sixth rank for hotel owners and the table in the seventh rank for specialists.

One of the most important recommendations of the research is to take advantage of artificial leather and Nubian art to produce handicrafts as a nucleus for establishing projects. And also in teaching a handicraft course (3) for the fourth year, Department of Leather Industries,.


Main Subjects