The image of the university girl in the Egyptian social drama and its relationship to the attitudes of parents towards her

Document Type : Original Article


Minia University, Faculty of Specific Education, Educational Media, Minya, Egypt


Study summary in English:

The study aimed to identify the attitudes of parents towards the image of the university girl presented in the Egyptian social drama, and the study adopted the method of the media survey for a field sample and a measure of direction. On parents, the researcher excluded about (20) questionnaires that did not have a response, and they were distributed in a deliberate manner. 49.5%, where the phrase (I get acquainted with places and personalities that I did not know before by watching the image of the university girl in the Egyptian social drama) came in the first place, while the phrase (I see that the Egyptian social drama presents violence against the university girl in a realistic way) came in the first place. The latter, and the presence of a statistically significant inverse correlation between the image of the university girl in the Egyptian social drama and the parents' attitudes towards her, and the presence of non-statistically significant differences between the sample parents The study examined the degree of their satisfaction with the image of the university girl presented through the Egyptian social drama according to the variables of gender and place of residence, and the presence of statistically significant differences between the parents of the study sample in their attitudes towards the Egyptian social drama according to the gender variable in favor of females at the expense of males.


Main Subjects