Interaction between Two Types of Chat Bots (Voice Assistant / Text Assistant) and Managing eـDiscussions (Restricted / Free) in A Smart Learning Environment to Develop Concepts of Digital Transformation Technology Awareness Skills and Cyberbullying Management for Instrucation Technology Students with Cognitive Rigidity and Resilience

Document Type : Original Article


azhar university


The aim of the research is to develop concepts of digital transformation, technology awareness skills, and cyberbullying management for students of the Education Technology Division by revealing the impact of interaction between two types of chat bots (voice assistant/text assistant) and managing electronic discussions (restricted/free) in an intelligent learning environment. To achieve this, two chat bots (voice / text) were designed in a smart environment based on artificial intelligence according to two patterns of restricted and free discussion. The twoـway "2X2X2" factorial design pattern was used. The research sample consisted of "120" students, who were deliberately chosen according to their cognitive needs. availability of learning requirements, and dividing them into eight groups according to the cognitive style (rigidity/flexibility), each with a strength of (15) students. The validity of the measurement tools, their stability and their suitability for application were confirmed. Research hypotheses were formulated to answer the questions. Appropriate statistical treatment methods were applied using the statistical software package for social sciences "SPSS.V 24". The chatbot with the intelligent voice assistant according to the pattern of managing restricted discussions with a flexible cognitive style. Taking into account the nature of the content, the characteristics of the students, and the possibilities available for the application.
