The problem of directing in the contemporary university theater and its impact on the aesthetics of theatrical performance.. Applied to the performances of the theatrical festival of Sadat City University for the year 2022.

Document Type : Original Article


facluty of Arts,, buni sweif University


The problem of directing in the contemporary university theater and its impact on the aesthetics of theatrical performance.. Applied to the performances of the theatrical festival of Sadat City University for the year 2022.

Research problem: What is the problem facing contemporary directing in university theater performances in Egypt?.

The importance of research: the theatrical activity of university students develops the mind and conscience, which helps in building the students' personality properly.

Research objectives: To identify the nature of the problems facing theatrical directing in the theatrical festival of Sadat City University for the year 2022?. And the extent of its impact on the aesthetics of the festival's performances.

Research methodology: the descriptive method.

Data collection tools: observation, interview, and content analysis.

Research results:

Among the most important problems facing theatrical directing at the University of Sadat City are the following: The weakness of the budget allocated by the faculties to produce a theatrical show.

- Solutions to the problem of university theater, the most important of which are: providing a large budget for theatrical activity within each college separately, establishing a large theater inside the university to stage theater performances on it.

- The problem of contemporary theatrical directing affected the director of "The Suez Epic".

- The problem of lack of experience negatively affected all the directors of the theatrical performances of Sadat City University 2022.

- The problem of not having a suitable theater to display the festival's plays on it affected the level of performances.


Main Subjects