Features of Identity in Dubbed and Translated Foreign Series: A Comparative Analytical Study

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Educational Media - Faculty of Specific Education - Minia University


The aim of the current research is to monitor the most prominent features of identity in the dubbed and translated foreign series broadcast on satellite channels, on a sample of the episodes of the series (Ertugrul Resurrection) as a translated series, and (From Love What Was Killed) as a dubbed series, and to stand on the most prominent differences between both series of Where the form and content related to the cultural identity in both, and it is a descriptive study, in which the researcher used the analytical survey method for a sample of dubbed and translated episodes, and the study reached several results, most notably:

The method of addressing the contents related to identity in both series included presentation of that (in word and deed).

The most prominent features of identity in the series (Ertugrul Resurrection) were represented in (the way of speaking, dialogue, and clothing), while the features of identity came in the series (and from love what was killed) represented in (clothes and adornment).

The analysis also found that the most prominent identity values adopted by the series (Resurrection Ertuğrul) were (highlighting the national history of the country producing the work, spreading the national thought and culture of the country producing the series, glorifying the status of the country that produces the series), while the most prominent values included in the series ( And from love what was killed) in (spreading customs and traditions, spreading the national thought and culture of the country that produced the series).


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