Cartoon characters as a formative source for hand-woven textiles and their use in children's room artifacts

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Home Economics, Faculty of Specific Education, Assiut University, Assiut

2 Home economic Dept., faculty of specific education, Assiut university


Cartoon films are enjoyable for children and one of the most influential ways for them, owing to an important aspect that draws their attention, also delivering pleasure and happiness, The researcher considered hand weaving cartoon characters they love and incorporating it into their room's items. The research aims to create some cartoon characters beloved by children using manual weaving technique and employing it in proposed designs for children's room artifacts. Study significance: it opens new horizons for the implementation of children's hand items that bring them delight and pleasure, as well as the development of the child's personality and decision-making abilities through participation in the design of his room's hand artifacts. Research Methodology: Descriptive approach was employed in describing and analyzing the cartoon characters made using the manual weaving technique, as well as the experimental approach and using them in proposed designs for children's room artifacts. Research tools: A questionnaire to poll children's opinions on their favorite cartoon characters and evaluation form for specialists for employing proposed designs.

Research results:

1- Forming children's favorite cartoon characters according to their opinions.

2- Using cartoon characters in proposed designs for children's room artifacts that achieve aesthetic and functional aspects, according to specialists.


Main Subjects