The emotional blackmail of the wife and its relation to managing the family dialogue


جامعة الازهر


- Studying the relation between blackmailing the wife emotionally, in its two dimensions (criticism– reproach and making troubles) and managing the family dialogue in its four dimensions ( specifying the objective of the dialogue- planning the dialogue- executing the dialogue- evaluation of the dialogue).

- Studying the relationship between blackmailing the wife emotionally in its two dimensions and managing the family dialogue in its four dimensions for the housewives (the study sample).

- Detecting the differences between the rural and urban housewives in blackmailing the wife emotionally in its two dimensions and managing the family dialogue in its four dimensions.

- Clarifying the differences between the working and non-working women in the emotional blackmail of the wife in its two dimensions and managing the family dialogue in its four dimensions.

- Detecting the nature of difference between the housewives (study sample) in the wife's emotional blackmail in its two dimensions and managing the family dialogue in its four dimensions, upon the income level.

- Detecting the nature of difference between the housewives (study sample) in the wife's emotional blackmail in its two dimensions and managing the family dialogue in its four dimensions according to the husband's educational level.



Main Subjects