Attitudes of university youth towards electronic shopping and its relationship to self-management

Document Type : Original Article


باحثة ماجستير - بقسم الاقتصاد المنزلى – كلية التربية النوعية – جامعة المنيا


The research aims mainly to study the attitudes of university youth

towards electronic shopping and its relationship to self-management among the students of Minia University. qualitative, engineering, dentistry, fine arts) different, from the countryside and urban areas of Minya governorate, and from different social and economic levels, and it is required that the male and female student have done online shopping at least once, The general data form is for university youth and their families (study sample) and includes data on youth in terms of (gender, age, family residence, nature of study, father's education level, mother's education level, father's profession, mother's work, number of family members, average monthly income for the family), and a questionnaire of youth attitudes towards electronic shopping, and a questionnaire of self-management with its axes (setting goals and self-planning, the ability to make decisions, the ability to communicate with others, self-development and development), The analytical descriptive approach was used, and the results revealed that there were statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the study sample in the self-management questionnaire, according to the difference in the research variables in favor of (females, practical studies, working mothers, urban residents, older age, father's high level of education, level of High mother's education, fathers with higher professions, small family size, families with high monthly income), and the results showed that the study variables most affecting self-management are (mother's educational level, age, father's profession, mother's work).


Main Subjects